The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Prophet in the Qur’an
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their actions in this world. This duty can be
performed only by one whose heart is filled with
the greatness of God; who possesses a high moral
character; who keeps away from all evil; who does
good without any hope of return and who suffers
patiently all the hardships inflicted by others.
The Prophet of Islam is said to be the answer to
Abraham’s prayer. When Abraham settled his son
Ismail and his wife Hajira in the deserts of Hijaz,
according to the Qur’an he prayed thus:
“Send forth to them a messenger of their own
people who shall declare to them Your revelations
and instruct them in the book and in wisdom and
purify them. You are the Mighty, the Wise One.”
The first task of the Prophet was to receive God’s
revelations and communicate them to man, i.e. he
had to recite the verses of the Qur’an and explain
them to his hearers. Innumerable signs within
human nature and in the outside world have been
placed there by God so that man may realize Him