Principles of Islam by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 66

Principles of Islam
24. Jihad
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aggression. The literal meaning of jihad is not war.
But to fight in self-defense in accordance with God’s
commandments also involves a struggle; that is
why it is also called jihad.
Jihad, meaning war, is however a temporary and
circumstantial matter. If in the real sense any need
for defense arises only then will armed jihad be
launched. If no such severe urgency arises, no
armed jihad will take place.
Just calling an action ‘jihad’ will not morally
validate it. The only true jihad is that which is
carried out in accordance with Islam. Islamic jihad
is, in actual fact, another name for peaceful struggle.
This peaceful struggle is sometimes an inward-
looking thing, like waging jihad with the self when
it takes place at the level of feeling; sometimes it is
desired externally, and manifests itself at the
physical level through gestures (like kneeling,
prostrating oneself before God).
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