Principles of Islam
25. Marriage
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The Qur’an states: ‘They (women) are your
garments. And you (men) are their garments.’
(Qur’an, 2:187). These words from the Holy
Scriptures define how men and women relate to
each other -like body and its garments. Without
garments a body is meaningless, and without a
body garments are meaningless. The two must go
together, for, apart, they have little reason to exist.
This symbolizes the closeness of the two sexes in the
material and spiritual senses.
What fundamentally determines the rights and
duties of men and women in the roles of husbands
and wives is the fact that they are partners for life.
This basic principle is derived from the
of the
Qur’an, which says that men and women are part of
one another. (Qur’an, 3:195).
Islam being a religion of nature, its teachings are
based on simple principles of nature. When these
principles are earnestly adhered to, the family
becomes a cradle of peace and amity.