Principles of Islam
19. Greater Jihad
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to carry it out with good intentions and not the
reverse. This, however, is no simple matter. In all
one’s dealings, adhering strictly to the right path
requires a continuous struggle. This is a great and
unremitting lifelong struggle. And this is what is
Even if one is engaged in good works, such as the
establishment and running of institutions which
cater for social welfare or academic needs, or if one
is personally engaged in social work or performing
some service in the political field, in all such works
the element of personal glory has a way of creeping
in. Therefore, in all such instances, it is essential that
in the individuals concerned there should be a
strong tendency to introspection, so that they may
keep before them at all times the goal, not of
personal glory but the greater glory of God.
It is one’s intense inner struggle to make all
activities God-oriented, which is truly Islamic