Islam The Voice of Human Nature
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reality. It is true that Darwin did recognize the
existence of a Creator, but he failed to
determine the relationship between the Creator
and His creatures. His theory, in consequence,
gave birth to the most dangerous brand of
atheism. Belief in the oneness of God must
likewise be studied in depth so that its
relevance to human beings may be properly
understood. Without such an understanding,
any such study will not only be incomplete, but
will also lead the seeker after truth in just the
opposite direction.
As parts of the universe, human beings are
insignificant. And just as the universe functions
in complete obedience to its Master, so human
beings are required to emulate its example. The
only right course for human beings is to
recognize this fact and place themselves in
complete coordination with the rest of the
universe by offering total obedience to God.
The way God manages the affairs of the
universe is a pointer to the fact that human