ISLAM The Voice of Human Nature by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 26

Islam The Voice of Human Nature
~ 26 ~
The reason that human beings have often erred
in forming a true concept of God is simply that
they have tried to comprehend God through
analogies based on the facts of the universe as
understood by them. Human beings, for
instance, have sons and daughters. They,
therefore, presumed God in like manner to have
offspring. In this way, they proceeded to invent
a whole divine family for God.
intermediaries, and so God was also presumed
to have attorneys to consult and delegate His
powers to. In this way the whole gamut of an
imaginary divine elite was invented. The many
splendid and powerful objects – the sun, the
stars, the rivers etc. observed to exist in the
universe, were all presumed to be associates of
God and to be ‘running’ the ‘empire’ jointly
with Him. God’s administration of the world
was thus reduced to a sort of ‘corporate
business.’ It was this tendency to be influenced
by outward manifestations that led to the
formulation and acceptance of pantheistic
philosophies. The way they were arrived at was
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