Islam The Voice of Human Nature
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construction of space machines, and also gave
them the courage to land them on the Moon and
Mars according to an organized and well
thought-out plan. If there had been no such
single law operative in the entire universe with
such perfect exactitude, the telescopes on earth
would not have been able to scan a distance of
eight thousand million light years. Without this
law, our physical sciences would suddenly lose
all relevance. The fact of the universe being
governed by such a unified law points
unmistakably to the conclusion that it has been
designed, and is controlled, by one God alone.
Had it been controlled by several gods (or
‘forces’), it would surely have been plagued by
disorder, it would have been disorganized by
the inevitable conflicts between several ‘gods’.
There would have been one law operating on
this earth and quite different laws on other
planets. But our physical observation confirms
that a single law governs all objects, and that the
entire universe adheres strictly to this principle.
The Qur’an expresses it thus: ‘It is He (God) who
has created everything and has determined the
due proportion of everything’ (25:2).