Ideology of Peace
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shows no positive results, then waging it, far from
being a wise step, is nothing short of madness.
It is believed by some that the establishment of
peace requires a world government. This would
require an armed police force and an army, on the
strength of which peace would be established all
over the world. But this concept of world
government is impracticable, for it would only
serve the purpose in a very limited way. The
scheme of world government for establishing peace
is far from ideal.
Let us suppose that such a world government were
to come into being. It would be able to establish
peace only at the level of administration. In other
words, this projected world government could at
best establish social peace. But what is more
important than this is mental peace, which cannot
be brought about by any world government.
Peace in the form of social stability, as enforced by
established governments, was prevalent in the
monarchies of ancient times. But the desired results
could never be achieved. The Roman Empire
provides one such example. During its rule which