The Ideology of Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 77

Ideology of Peace
~ 77 ~
Violence is the outcome of differences between
people. One who believes in violent methods
considers differences as evil or an obstacle in his
path. For this reason, he becomes bent on
obliterating evil, for he thinks that he can achieve
his objective only when he has removed the
differences between himself and others. This is a
great misunderstanding, for differences are not
man-made. They are ordained by the Creator
Himself, and are an essential part of nature. And
something which is an essential part of nature
cannot be brought to an end. We can only accept
nature. Eliminating it is beyond our power. That is
why when one group is annihilated in the name of
differences, another such group immediately takes
its place, and so it goes on and on quite endlessly.
That is why this chain of action and reaction over
the issue of differences can never be halted.
The method of violence goes against the plan of
nature, which ensures that each individual has full
opportunities to perform his or her role in human
progress by exploiting his or her capabilities to the
fullest extent. This benefit can be availed of only in
a peaceful atmosphere. The perpetrators of violence,
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