The Ideology of Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 80

Ideology of Peace
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and his country’s economy was totally devastated.
For King Pyrrhus it was apparently a victory, but its
result was nothing more or less than a defeat. It was
his costly military successes which gave rise to the
now current phrase “pyrrhic victory”.
When we look into the history of different wars, it
would be no exaggeration to say that most victories
are pyrrhic in nature. Each victor has to suffer two
losses. Firstly, he sacrifices life, wealth and
resources, and secondly, he loses the love and
respect of the vanquished. No victor can avoid
suffering these losses. The only difference between
one victor and another is that while some victors
suffer their losses sooner, others suffer them later.
This matter of loss relates only to the violent
method. A peaceful method leads to a totally
different outcome. Once the peaceful method has
been employed, victory and victory alone ensues:
there is no room for defeat. Even if a peaceful
method does apparently lead to a defeat, the final
outcome is even then a victory. For, by using a
peaceful method, one might lose a war, but one
does not lose opportunities. One still has
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