GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 447

God Arises
The Life We Seek
~ 447 ~
every considerable value to moral and
spiritual standards, apart from religion as
such, I don’t quite know how one maintains
them in modern life. It’s a problem.
Here we find an indication of a second predicament
by which modern man is surely afflicted. There has
to be a certain standard of honesty in society if any
civilized order is to be maintained. But once man
has abandoned God, he is left baffled as to how the
code of ethics so necessary to the smooth running of
society is to be established. For hundreds of years,
man has searched for an answer to this question
and he has yet to find an answer. There are, of
course, innumerable examples of well-intentioned
attempts to bring moral upliftment to society. For
instance, in an endeavor to improve relations
between government officials and the public, one
week of the year has been declared ‘Courtesy week’
and is supposedly observed. But when civil
servants persist in their officious and high-handed
demeanor, the ineffectiveness of this method
becomes clear: obviously mere exhortations to be
courteous are not sufficient actually to make people
change their ways. With commendable moral
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