God Arises
Affirmation of Prophethood
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any visible medium, and how ideas can be
transmitted from one to the other with no loss or
distortion whatsoever. The perfect form of such
communication is known specifically as ‘revelation’
in religious terminology. Revelation, in essence, is a
kind of cosmic telepathy.
Evidence of its reality clearly emerges from the
migratory habits of birds, who move from one part
of the world to another along well-defined routes in
search of more abundant food and better lives,
returning with the changing seasons to their point
of departure. Unlike man, who needs information
and guidance about routes and destinations before
he sets off on a journey, the birds fly swiftly and
unerringly towards their destination along
‘flyways’ which take them across wide stretches of
water at their narrowest points thus keeping them
above land for the maximum period possible. There
is no evidence that for this to happen any
information-gathering process or any exchange of
ideas takes place. We must assume then that their
guidance is from some external source, just as,
according to the Quran, God made certain
revelations to the bee (16:68) which led to its