God Arises
Affirmation of Prophethood
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it. How is it then that a contact of this nature
between God and man seems so unthinkable? After
having admitted the existence of God and having
observed or experienced telepathic communication
in human life, we are left with no grounds for
denying divine revelation.
A suit was filed by the Bavarian authorities in
December, 1950, against a hypnotist, one Fronter
Strobel, for having telepathically interrupted a radio
programme, while demonstrating his art at the
Rijna Hotel in Munich. What happened was that
Strobel picked out a playing card, handed it to a
member of the audience and asked him to note the
suit of the card without disclosing this to him or to
anyone else. The hypnotist then claimed that, even
without knowing the number and suit of the card
himself, he would transmit these details to an
announcer, who was reading the news on Radio
Munich at that time. Seconds later the audience
were astonished to hear the announcer say in a
faltering voice, “Rijna Hotel, trump card.” The
member of the audience who had co-operated in the
experiment confirmed that this was indeed what he
had mentally noted.