The Secret of a Successful Family Life by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 8

The Art of Failure Management lies in not
looking at marriage as something ideal, but as a
practical matter and then accepting one’s partner
the way he or she is. People generally tend to
measure their partners by an ideal yardstick, and
when they do not measure up to their
expectations, they tend to think that they have
not found their ideal soul mate. This happens both
in the case of a husband and a wife, and so both
partners fail to experience the joys of their union.
The truth is that every woman and every man
are almost the same. Physical appearances might
be different, but inside, there is no great
difference. If couples realize this, then they would
rejoice in each other, and accept each other as
the best life partners.
The Policy of Non-Interference
an educated person about his family
life. He replied that his family life was good and
The Policy of Non-Interference
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