The Secret of a Successful Family Life by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 12

are influenced by their parents’ way of life and
thinking. And the children of such parents will
fail to discover the value of simplicity in life.
What is simplicity? Simplicity is that state of
living in which man has realized the purpose of
his life and given it the utmost importance, while
regarding everything else as secondary.
It is important for everyone to develop a
personality of high moral character. God has
created great potential in humans; it is up to them
to realize it. It is very important for them to
discover their potential and realize their purpose
in life. They should develop their minds through
study and through their experiences. They should
learn to manage their time and utilize all their
resources towards the acquisition of their goals.
A purposeful life is an ideal life. Simplicity is
a must in order to lead a purposeful life. Simplicity
saves man from unnecessary expenditure and
distractions—things that hamper him in working
towards achieving his goal in life.
Simplicity—A Principle of Life
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