The Secret of a Successful Family Life by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 31

concerning gender difference, and does not
concern itself with gender inequality. The whole
world is based on this difference, and the matter
concerning men and women is not an exception
to this rule.
There is nothing negative about this difference.
Difference is a positive term. The difference
between men and women can be compared to the
two wheels of a cart. One wheel is not equal to
the other. They are complimentary to one another.
God had made biological and psychological
differences between a man and a woman. This
difference is made so that they become good life
partners of one another. Both are complimentary
to one another.
The concept of gender equality is an unnatural
concept. It creates unnecessary conflict between
the two. But the concept of gender differences
produces the concept of being complimentary to
each other, of supporting each other. It enables
the partners to run the cart of life like two wheels
joined together.
Family Life
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