The Secret of a Successful Family Life by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 26

The Faulty Role of Parents
concern should be to make
her children succeed in life. But mothers are
naturally attached to their children, and therefore
their hearts rule their heads. In matters regarding
their children, they do not follow reason, and try
to fulfil all the demands of their children. By
nature, every child is born pure. But as he grows
up, he deviates from his true nature. It is a
mother ’s duty to play a constructive role in
bringing up her children, so that they do not
deviate from the true nature they were born with.
Mothers, in their love for their children, try to
fulfil all their demands, and this makes them think
that all of their wishes should be fulfilled. But
when the child grows up and comes into contact
with the outside world, he learns the opposite.
This contradiction can yield negative results in
young minds. He learns that while he is loved and
protected within the confines of his home, the
outside world is bad and full of hostility. This can
make him confused, and unable to comprehend
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