women that no excuse should be made in not
seeking education. There can be no excuse for not
doing so, for education is not just for procuring a
job, but for building up a good life for oneself.
Today, education is important in every sphere of
life. Therefore, no one can afford to remain
uneducated, as that stops one from living life to
the fullest.
Man is like an animal. What is it that elevates
man above the level of an animal? The difference
is education. Education enables man to realize his
latent potential and turn it into reality. This is not
possible without education. Education here
means higher education, not just vocational
education. Vocational education ensures one a job,
while a broader education transports one to the
world of knowledge and wisdom. The acquisition
of knowledge and wisdom takes the educated
person to the highest pedestal of humanity.
Education and Women