First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 8

How long would a trip around the Equator take at walking speed?
Our world
Land covers a third of
planet Earth, and water
and ice cover the rest.
We divide the land into
seven main chunks called
continents. The sea is
divided into five major
areas called oceans.
Our world
No r t h
Ame r i c a
S o u t h
Ame r i c a
Inside the Earth
The core of the Earth is made
of metal – solid in the middle and
molten all around it. We live on a thin,
solid crust, a bit like the crust of a pie.
Where people live
This picture of Earth at
night was taken by a
satellite in space. The
bright bits are made
by lights on the surface.
They show where the
world’s big cities and
towns are.
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