First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 300

Reference section
acceleration 243, 294
actors 72
Afghanistan 44, 59
frica 6–7, 18–19
air 110, 262
Alaska 10–11
Albania 39, 59
Algeria 18, 58
Allah 63
alpine 172, 294
Amazon rainforest 16
amber 141
amoeba 122
amphibians 127, 138–139, 294
ancient Americas 92–93
Ancient Egypt 80, 84–85
Ancient Greece 72, 86–87
Ancient Rome 88–89
Andorra 31, 58
Angola 19, 59
animal communication 125, 135
animals 52, 122, 124–125, 126–127,
138, 139, 143, 168–169, 170,
219, 222
Antarctica 6–7, 56–57, 156, 170,
171, 262
aphids 141
arachnids 142
Aral Sea 41
architecture 68–69
Arctic 8–9, 75, 156, 158, 159
Arctic animals 9, 159
Arctic Ocean 6–7, 8–9
Argentina 17, 58, 201
Aristotle 215
Armenia 40, 58
armour 87, 91, 95, 96
art 68–69
arteries 104
artists 68
Asia 6–7
astronauts 78, 97, 269, 278, 280,
281, 284, 285, 294
astronomers 219, 268
astronomy 215, 294
Atacama Desert 16–17, 171
Atlantic Ocean 6–7
atmosphere 262–263, 266, 270, 294
atomic number 228
atoms 212, 228–229, 230, 232, 238
Australia 6–7, 52–53, 58, 69
Austria 29, 58
autumn 161
axis 246
Azores 30
Aztecs 92–93
bacteria 115, 121, 149, 151,
152–153, 176, 223, 294
Bahrain 43, 58
baobab trees 165
Basque Country 31
bats 127, 129, 174, 175
batteries 237
Beatles, the 97
beavers 176
bees 125, 141
beetles 125, 140, 154, 162
Belarus 36, 59
Belgium 25, 59
Belize 15, 58
Benin 18, 59
Bhutan 48, 59
Bible 62, 68, 214
Big Bang, the 292–293
birds 55, 125, 127, 134–135, 159,
161, 162, 169, 173, 177, 179
bladder 107
blood 103, 104, 111, 112, 117,
120, 216
body 98–121
Bolivia 16, 59
bone marrow 106
bones 103, 105, 106–107, 120
books 67, 78
Bosnia and Herzegovina 38, 59
Botswana 19, 59
Brahman 62
brain 105, 108, 120, 124
Brazil 16, 59
breathing 105, 110–111, 120
Brunei 46, 58
Brussels 25
Buddha 62, 63, 64
Buddhism 62, 63, 64
Bulgaria 38, 59
Burkina 18, 58
Burma (Myanmar) 46, 59
Burundi 19, 58
bushbabies 163
butterflies 123, 162
cactus (cacti) 149, 170, 171
Cambodia 46, 58
camels 171
cameras 238
Cameroon 18, 59
camouflage 181
Canada 10–11, 58
Canary Islands 30
1...,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299 301,302,303,304,305,306