First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 287

Working in space
ExtraVehicular Activity. It means space walking!
A piece of history
The first ever spacewalk was performed by Soviet
astronaut Alexei Leonov on March 18th, 1965. He
was soon followed by American Edward White on
June 3rd, 1965.
Slow down
Astronauts have to work
slower than construction
workers on Earth. If they
twist a bolt too quickly,
they will send themselves
into a spin.
Make it larger
Space tools are extra large
so that astronauts can grab
them in their bulky gloves.
They also have to be tied to
the astronaut to prevent them
from floating away.
Alexei Leonov
became a celebrity in
the Soviet Union and
around the world.
Edward White was
the first American
to spacewalk.
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