First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 170

During the dry season in the
savanna, the only reliable place to
find water is at a water hole. It can
be a busy place.
At the water hole
That’s better!
When a warthog
takes a bath, it ends
up dirtier than ever.
The mud helps it to
cool down and may
help get rid of fleas
and other nasty
insects that infect the
animal’s skin.
As well as insect
control, oxpeckers
clean up any
wounds the host
animal may have.
Why are water holes such busy places?
Ecosystems and habitats
Meet my companion
Large animals often
appear at a water hole
with accompanying
oxpeckers. These birds
help the animal keep
insects at bay, picking
off ticks and leeches.
Guinea fowl
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