First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 166

Most plants grow from the top, but
grass grows from the bottom. This
means it can grow back if it’s eaten,
or if it is flattened by being trampled.
A sea of grass
The cycle of life
Tropical grasslands have wet and dry
seasons. In the dry season, the grass
turns straw-coloured and dies. With the
rainy season, it springs back to life.
Ecosystems and habitats
Grass seed
Grass plants use the
wind to spread their
pollen (the fine dust
that passes from
male flowers to
female flowers) and
their seeds.
In summer,
clouds of grass
pollen give some
people hay fever.
Grass is
resistant to
being trampled
by hooves.
shedding seed
How old are the baobab trees in Africa?
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