Calling People to GOD by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 32

Compulsory Responsibility
Chapter five of the Quran says:
Messenger, proclaim everything that has
been sent down to you from your Lord— if
you do not, then you will not have
communicated His message. God will
protect you from all people.
The special purpose for which God had sent
the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon
him, was to convey to people themessage and
guidance which he received fromGod. This
was the Prophet main mission. If the Prophet
had not undertaken this task, it would have
meant that he had failed in discharging his
divineduties.And that beingso, hisprophethood
would have come under the shadow of doubt.
In other words, the prophethood of the Prophet
Muhammad, may peace be upon him, could
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