Calling People to GOD by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 24

responsibility on my behalf. God will show
His mercy to you.’
There could be no greater honour under the
sun than to be engaged in a mission which
is directly God’s own mission. It is like
workingonbehalf ofGodAlmighty. It is indeed
such a great honour that a greater honour than
this one seems impossible.
God isAlmighty andAll-Powerful. He has the
immense power to carry out all work, whether
seen or unseen. If He had wanted, He could
have given speech even to rocks and stones in
order to spread His divine message. He could
have given a tongue to every leaf of every
tree so that it could proclaim the message of
God. But this is not the way of God. From
amongallHis creatures,Godwants onlyhuman
beings to spread His message, and He wants
them to do so without removing the veil of
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