Calling People to GOD by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 25

doubt, in order that human wisdom should
effectively be put to the test.
, which in the Quran is called ‘warning
and giving glad tidings’, is directly themission
of God. So that men might have no argument
withGod, this taskwas passed on to the people
themselves. Moreover, the testing of
humankind, if it is to be deemed both effective
andvalid, shouldnot be done bymeans of some
miracle, but should rather be performed by
human agency. That is why God wants this
divine work to be performed only by human
This exigency has opened up the opportunity
forman to performthis great divine task. Those
who come forward to carry out this divine
mission of
will receive special succour
in this life and will be held deserving of great
honour in the life hereafter.
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