Woman Between Islam and Western Society
1. A Survey
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in consequence. This surely demonstrates that they
were on an equal footing in the eyes of God.
Celibacy has existed in some form or another
throughout man’s religious history and has
appeared in virtually all the major religious
traditions of the world.
It is true that prior to Islam, in almost every
religion, celibacy was considered to be the highest
criterion of piety, the fundamental reason for this
being the inferior status of women. There were
periods in the history of certain countries when
women were considered almost sub-human and a
source of sin. Those who associated with them
were, therefore, regarded as being inferior. By
contrast, those who lived a life of celibacy had an
aura of sanctity about them and basked in the
esteem of society.
The basic function of celibacy was to establish the
internal wholeness and spiritual self-sufficiency of
the truly religious person, so that he might become
a living symbol of sacredness and purity. It was