Woman Between Islam and Western Society
3. Western Woman
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Everyone, be it a man or a woman, is rewarded
according to his or her abilities and performance.
When women in search of equality emerged from
their homes, they expected to be able to function in
areas which had traditionally been masculine
strongholds, and attempted to take up jobs as pilots,
drivers, engineers, professors, administrators, police
officers, military commanders, etc. But, biologically,
women did not have the capacity to perform these
tasks, and proved sadly deficient in managerial
skills. Their incapability having been demonstrated,
the question arose as to what they should do now
that they had left domestic life behind them. They
began, sooner or later, to enter those spheres in
which they could demand a price for their
femininity, for instance, in advertising and on the
stage, screen and television. But here, again, they
were prevented from leading totally satisfactory
lives because of an inherently feminine drawback:
when a woman began to grow old, she found
herself unwanted. In the world of entertainment,
only young women were in demand, and the