Woman Between Islam and Western Society
3. Western Woman
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Deviation from nature not only fails to achieve any
positive gain, but also entails the loss of desirable
features of human existence. The correct place for a
thing is that assigned to it by nature. Any bid on
our part to displace or reorient it inevitably leads to
a variety of evils.
This is exactly what has happened in the case of
women who have been taken out of their homes in
order to make them men’s equal. The result has not
for them been the achievement of equal position.
The result has been their becoming the objects of a
flood of licentiousness and pornography.
Of this situation, Anton Nemilov writes:
The truth is that all signs of sexual anarchy
have become apparent in the workers. This is
a situation fraught with grave dangers
threatening to destabilize the whole socialist
system. It should be countered in all possible
ways. Great difficulties will be faced to fight
on this point. I can cite thousands of instances
of sexual licentiousness, which goes to show
that this has spread not only in the lower
echelons but also on the top rungs of the