The Vision of Islam by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 129

T h e V i s i o n o f I s l a m
is extraordinarily important, it represents only 0.02% (i.e. two
in ten thousand) of the metals found on earth. Other metals like
chromium and nickel are very similar to molybdenum in their
properties and likewise make up 0.02% of the metals found on
earth, yet they have no importance in the biological system.
According to Crick and Orgel, the chemical formation of the earth
should have been reflected in the life-forms taking shape on earth,
but since this is patently not so, they suppose that life was sent to
the earth by some more advanced civilization from outer space.
This study has offered a new scientific base for the panspermia
concept of the Swedish chemist, Arrhenius.
Innumerable discoveries of a similar nature in modern times
have brought science (or modern thought) very close to religion.
These discoveries have done 99% of the tasks, now there remains
only 1%.
Such discoveries have been made today in all branches of
knowledge as provide astonishing proof of the veracity of Islamic
beliefs.Theyare suchas tohave thoroughly shakenthehumanmind.
The ancient Arab opponents of the Islamic creed of monotheism
so tortured the believers that they could not even sit straight. They
even forced them to say, “
are gods besides God!”
Today the progress of knowledge has itself proved the baselessness
of such a concept. Modern science finds it meaningless to admit of
many gods in the universe. There is simply no room for polytheism
in scientific realms. To those with unbiased minds and a thorough
knowledge of our times, religion can be proved right on such an
elevated plane that all contemporary thought systems would
appear dwarfish in comparison.
1. The most important scientific discovery of modern times
from the Islamic point of view is that of methodology. Up
to the beginning of the 20th century, for an argument to
be considered valid, it was thought necessary to have the
same kind of link between a claim and the thing about
which that claim was being made as exists between an
electric lamp and its switch. That is to say, for a theory to
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