The True Jihad by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 9

The True Jihad
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interpretation. Demands for a reform in Islam are
on the increase, as the ‘old’ version of Islam cannot
apparently keep pace with the modern world.
But, in reality, it is not reformation which is urgent,
but revival. What is needed is to discard as
superficial and erroneous the militant and political
interpretation of Islam, and to adopt the original,
‘old’ version of Islam based on peace, mercy and the
love of mankind.
The so-called Muslim Mujahideen have been
exhorting their co-religionists to do battle all over
the world. But the Qur’an says: ‘...and God calls to
the home of peace’ (10:25). It is up to right-thinking
people everywhere to reject the militant version of
Islam, and to start seeing and accepting Islam as it is
truly represented by the Qur’an.
Wahiduddin Khan
The Islamic Centre, New Delhi
January 4, 2002
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