The True Jihad
The True Jihad
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Islamic jihad is
a positive and
process. It is at
work in the
entire life of a
with all kinds of temptations, which are so many
barriers to his measuring up to God’s standards. For
instance, when a matter of truth comes before him
and he fails to acknowledge it
for fear of losing his status; when
he has someone’s wealth or
property in his possession, and
he hesitates about restoring it to
the true owner; when he resents
having to place curbs on himself
in order to lead a life of modesty
as desired by God; when he feels
that suppressing his anger and
vengefulness in order to be patient amounts to his
own negation; when he fails to speak words of truth
and stand up for justice for fear of losing his
popularity; when he is loath to renounce comforts
and convenience, etc., in order to be of a principled
character instead of a selfish character. On all such
occasions man has to curb his desires. It becomes
essential for him to sacrifice his feelings. At times he
may feel that he has to kill his ego completely. In
spite of having to surmount all such hurdles, the
individual should be determined to stick to the
truth in the real and primary sense of jihad. Those