The Road to Paradise
The Road to Paradise
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This paradise, which is hidden from our eyes due to
the exigencies of man’s trial, has been created for
man alone. However, entry to this world of
paradise has been restricted. Entry will be given
only to those pure souls who have brought with
them the necessary qualification.
This paradise has been brought into existence in the
world after death. The stage before death is one of
preparation, and the stage after death is that of
reward commensurate with this preparation.
What is man’s trial? It rests on man’s discovery of
God, who is in the Unseen. Before seeing Him, man
should voluntarily surrender himself before God.
He should be so greatly desirous of paradise that
this present world appears meaningless to him. He
should adopt divine ethics without any external
pressure on him to do so. He should develop his
intellectual and spiritual being to such an extent
that he produces in himself, the ability to inhabit the
refined world of paradise. Paradise is a heavenly
colony where peace and love, and noble character
prevail. Of the inhabitants of this world, only those