The Road to Paradise
The Road to Paradise
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In this world everyone suffers frustration and
failure. The reason is that everyone wants to find
his desired world in this present world itself,
whereas the present limited and ephemeral world is
not created for this purpose. That is why, despite all
efforts, one fails to find one’s dream world in this
life. The present world, in actual fact, makes
paradise understandable to us. It is not paradise.
But man often mistakes it for his destination, and
his life thus becomes one of missed opportunities.
By nature, the present world is an imperfect and
limited model. It is but an introduction to paradise.
It is not paradise in itself. It is a waiting room and
not the final destination of the journey.
During this limited life span on this earth, what
man needs to do, first and foremost, is to seek the
Creator and Sustainer of this universe. Having seen
a glimpse of paradise on this earth, he should
become its seeker in his heart of hearts.
Intellectually, spiritually and morally he should
make himself deserving of an abode in the extreme
refinement of paradise. He should devote this