to abide by it. This is that inward human being at
work, which, far from altering with bodily
transformation, survives countless physical
changes absolutely intact. We can therefore say
that the word ‘homo sapiens’, rather than being
a label attached to a certain physical form, which
is erased with its death, is a separate entity, which
remains intact even after the diffusion of the
body’s composite parts. The fact that the body
alters whereas the soul does not is conclusive
proof of the transitional nature of the body and
the eternal nature of the soul.
Some misguided people even consider ‘life’
and ‘death’ to be the ‘accumulation’ and the
subsequent ‘diffusion’ of multitudinous particles
of matter as expounded by an Urdu poet,
Chakbast, in the following words:
Zindagi kya hai, anasir mein zahoor-e-tarteeb
Mauwt kya hai, inhi ajza ka pareshan hona
What is life? Elements arranging themselves
in order, and death? Their diffusion.
This, statement is however not borne out by