The Reality of Life by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 18

he subsequently be revived? Secondly, the fact
that life after death is not visible to us, while the
world of today is an observable phenomenon. So
if no one has actually seen it, how can we place
implicit trust in its advent? Let us look at both
these objections in turn.
Life After Death
‘When I am dead, will I then be raised up again?’
This question is in the back of the minds of
even those who do not have any deep
convictions of the reality of life after death. The
fact however remains that very few people give
any direct attention to the question of the afterlife
while they are in this world. This is surely an
indication of the conscious or subconscious
doubt as to its existence. If, however, we give
serious thought to the reality of life after death,
it becomes easily comprehensible: God, wishing
to put us to the test, has not divulged the secrets
of life after death to us directly. He has however
spread His signs throughout the universe for us
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