The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Life of the Prophet
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to their credit. They were the worst types of
criminals. Therefore, even if all these people had
been put to death, this punishment would have
been fully justified. But the Prophet of Islam, thanks
to his sublime character, did not take any action
against them. He did not even reproach them. He
unilaterally declared a general amnesty, saying:
“Go, you are all free.”
Given those circumstances, this was an
extraordinary treatment. The Makkan idolaters
were sure that, after the victory of Makkah, they
would all be slaughtered on account of their
unpardonable crimes. But the “Prophet of Islam
forgave all of them unconditionally. This
exceptional latitude deeply convulsed their
consciences. Suddenly brought to their senses, they
felt within their heart of hearts that their stance of
opposition was in no way justified. After such a
display of human greatness, they felt that they
ought to enter the religious fold of the Prophet of
Islam. And this is exactly what happened. All the
insolent Makkans surrendered and joined him in
his mission as his companions.