The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Life of the Prophet
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The Prophet of Islam felt that war was not the
solution; therefore, he adopted another strategy.
Guided by a dream, he announced in 6 A.H. that he
intended to leave for Makkah in order to perform
Umra, (circumambulation of the Kabah) and other
rites. Accordingly, about 1400 of his Companions
accompanied him. It was a peaceful march, with no
military overtones.
Arrivals of such peaceful delegations were nothing
new for Makkah. Various tribes of Arabia regularly
used to come to visit the Kabah. But the Makkans
could not tolerate this influx of Muslims, whom
they considered their bitterest enemies. When the
Prophet reached a place called Hudaybiya, while
still on the march, the Makkan leaders objected to
his advancing any further. They felt it was
damaging to their prestige that the very people who
had been expelled by them from Makkah should
come to the city again and perform the rights of
Umra openly and in such large numbers.
Now the Prophet halted at Hudaybiya and began
negotiating for peace with the Makkan leaders.
Finally, after lengthy parleys an agreement was