Muhammad a Prophet For all Humanity
17. Manifestation of Prophethood in the Present Day and Age
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think in philosophical terms. Philosophers have
always sought to discover ultimate reality, but five
hundred years of splendid history have not brought
them any nearer their goal. The main reason has
been the failure of philosophers to understand
human limitations. Their efforts to reach a
comprehension of ultimate reality were doomed
because human, with their limited intellectual
capacity, cannot on their own fathom a reality,
which is infinite and unlimited in nature. For this,
prophetic wisdom is required, but human’s
attachment to philosophical thinking had prevented
them from responding positively to the message
taught by prophets.
For centuries theologians, influenced by the
predominant philosophical pattern of thought,
sought to define and specify the basic tenets on
which the whole concept of monotheism lies. What
they failed to realize was that these are all unseen
realities. Our present intellects are simply not
geared to fully comprehend such realities. From a
religious point of view, the greatest achievement of
modern science has been to remove the mistaken
notion that truth is something that can be seen with