Muhammad a Prophet For all Humanity
17. Manifestation of Prophethood in the Present Day and Age
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greatness, asserting the greatness of God alone. In
so doing, he initiated a trend in human thought,
which eventually reached Europe and resulted in
the scientific revolution of modern times.
One significant advantage of the Islamic revolution
was that it put an end to the age of superstition.
Superstition is the basing of one’s beliefs on vague
notions and speculations, rather than upon solid
facts, as, for example, had been the case in pre-
Islamic Arabia, when people thought that solar and
lunar eclipses were a sign of the death of some great
person. Superstition was the greatest obstacle to
accepting Islam. A person whose mind is ruled by
superstitious notions cannot objectively compare
Islam with other creeds. Rather than judge matters
on the basis of real, tangible evidence, he accepts
certain set ideas, and rejects anything that is not in
accord with them. Take, for instance, the historical
aspect of religion. Anyone who objectively
considers the historical credentials of Islam as
compared with other religions will find that the
authenticity of Islam cannot be doubted from an
historical point of view; other religions, however,
are shrouded in mystery and legend. But historical