Muhammad a Prophet For all Humanity
10. The Prophet in Makkah
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it only political power, whereas one who held sway
over the Ka’bah was heir to a wealth of spiritual
tradition as well. As the following conversation
between Dhu’l Jawshan al-Dubba’i and the Prophet
shows, Arabs, in their simplicity, could think of
truth only in terms of who was in control of the
House of God, the Ka’bah in Makkah:
“Why don’t you accept Islam,” the Prophet
said to Dhu’l Jawshan, “so that you may be
counted among the first to have done so?”
Dhu’I Jawshan said that he would not. The
Prophet asked why. “I have heard that your
people are after your blood,” Dhu’l Jawshan
said. “Have you not heard about their defeat
at Badr?” the Prophet asked. Dhu’I Jawshan
said that he had. “We are only showing you
the path of guidance,” the Prophet said. Dhu’I
Jawshan said that he would not accept Islam,
until he (the Prophet) had conquered Makkah,
and won control of the Ka ‘bah. “If you live,
you will see this happen,” the Prophet said.
Dhu’l Jawshan says that later he was with his
family in Ghawr when a rider came up. Dhu’l
Jawshan asked him what was afoot.