The Moral Vision
Teaching the Teachers
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For about twenty years, between 1950 and 1970,
Japan used to import superior industrial technology
from the west, at times by outright purchase, but
more often by borrowing, or on a credit basis. As a
result, Japan today stands on its own feet
economically and is in a position to export not only
its goods but also its know-how to other countries.
Thanks to its advanced technical expertise, it now
has the opportunities to help other countries, enter
into friendly relations with them and draw up
contracts to do business with them. Some of their
feats include working on the latest irrigation
projects in Thailand, giving instruction in computer
programming in Singapore, constructing iron and
steel factories in South Korea and China, and setting
up petrochemical industries in the Middle East, etc.
The Japanese learnt iron and steel making from the
Americans and have now developed it so
extensively that they are at present exporting their
skills to the Americans themselves. Japan, once the
learner, is now so well placed in so many fields—
particularly in communication and electronics, that