The Miracle of Talking Birds by Harun Yahya - page 98

The Miracle of Talking Birds
Despite the time and effort spent in trying to make chimpanzees talk, results
have remained inconclusive. The vocalizations that chimpanzees produce
are extremely primitive when compared with the skilled mimicry of parrots.
Nevertheless, no one mentions any evolutionary ties between humans
and parrots. This is only one example of evolution-
ists’ biased opinions.
3. Birds with Vocal Learning Display a Talent Superior to
Many evolutionists are known to be working toward establish-
ing links between chimpanzees and humans, to present as evidence
of a relationship between the two species. However, research con-
ducted on chimpanzees’ linguistic and thinking skills shows that
they use a very simple form of sign language. Thus, evolutionists’
attempts to show that monkeys are the animals most well-adapted
for learning to speak have had disappointing results. This shows,
once again, how no such relationship exists between humans and
chimpanzees like the one that evolutionists imagine.
Attempts to get chimpanzees to talk proved inconclusive, in
spite of the time and effort invested, showing how wrong the ap-
proach of the evolutionists was. Nevertheless, the press presented
these studies in a distorted way. One of the most recent examples of
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