The Miracle of Talking Birds by Harun Yahya - page 102

The Miracle of Talking Birds
ble ours, but thanks to the ability God
has given them, they can imitate hu-
man speech with ease. W. H. Thorpe, a
Cambridge University zoologist and
known authority on the subject, invali-
dates this claim of the evolutionists:
“How is it that an animal with this
can talk?” he would say: “It is ut-
terly impossible”
As we noted, certain birds’ God-
given talent is one of the important
refutations of evolutionists’ explana-
tions. However different these birds’
laryngeal structures may be, God has
created them with an ability to speak in
a way that fills us with admiration. It should not be forgotten that
our Lord is the incomparable Creator; and it is by His will that “
has given speech to everything.
” (Qur’an, 41:21)
4. Birds that Possess Vocal Learning Display More Advanced
Intelligence than Monkeys
As already pointed out, evolutionists have come up with the
scenario that monkeys and humans share a common ancestor. But
this preconception, unscientific and full of contradictions, further in-
validates the so-called evolutionary tree. Because evolutionists be-
gin with the hypothesis that the chimpanzee is man’s closest rela-
tive, they also try to establish similarities between the behavior of
monkeys and humans. Doing so, they try to give the impression that
the chimpanzee is the closest to man in terms of intelligence.
However, several creatures disprove the assertion that the chim-
panzee is the next most intelligent being, after man.
Larynx (the voice
box of a human)
Syrinx (the voice
box of a bird)
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