Man Know Thyself
Man Know Thyself
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popular acclaim, while failure, to them, means to be
deprived of these things. This is what the whole of
humanity is chasing after. No one cares about
tomorrow; everyone becomes frenetic about getting
his share now, today, this very minute.
This state of affairs is prevalent not only in our big
cities but even in the tiniest human settlements;
wherever one goes, people seem to be similarly
obsessed. Male and female, rich and poor, old and
young, urbane and rustic, even the religious and
irreligious—all are running in this same direction.
What man is most pre-occupied with is grabbing
whatever he can in this world. This is what he
considers to be worthwhile and this is what he
spends his precious time and talents on. This is
what obsesses him night and day. No sacrifice,
however dubious in character is too great if it brings
him these things. He is even ready to sacrifice his
faith and his conscience for them at the altar of
worldly gain. His struggle is for worldly ends alone,
and he cares not what this struggle entails. No
compromise is too base for him.