Man Know Thyself
Man Know Thyself
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this third eye. They reckon that reality is what they
see before their own two eyes, whereas, if they were
to ponder over the matter, they would become even
more certain about what remains unseen than about
what is visible.
What is the one reality that everybody
acknowledges? Death must be the unanimous
answer to this question. Death is a reality to which
everyone, big or small, has to reconcile himself.
Everyone realizes that death can overtake one at
any time, but whenever the thought of death occurs
to people, all that concerns them is: “What will
happen to my children after I die?” Before death,
thoughts of life dominate their minds, but if they
project their thoughts beyond death, all that claims
their attention is of a domestic nature. Most of their
lives is spent safeguarding their children’s future,
but no efforts are made to insure themselves for the
life that lies ahead. It seems from their attitude as if
only their children will survive them, and that they
themselves will be non-existent and so have nothing
to prepare for.