Life and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
3. The Concept of Worship in Islam
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with. This submission, a manifestation of true worship can be
divided into two categories: the individual and the collective.
Individual obedience means obeying God in those matters
which are related to his personal life. It covers all those
commandments which pertain to morals and dealings with man,
like speaking the truth, keeping one’s promises, being honest and
trustworthy, upholding justice, being a well-wisher of all, etc.
All this involves surrendering to the will of God in
one’s personal affairs. (33:36).
This individual obedience is an obligation for every
believer. He has to mould his external life entirely on
the pattern indicated by God. (2:208)
The second category of commandments, called
(submission), may be termed social commandments. These can be
carried out only when the whole of society is willing to obey them.
That is why such commandments have always been sent by God
only when the believers had already established a political
organisation among themselves. Because only then are they in a
position to enforce such social laws. That is why social laws are
addressed to any Muslim society, which is invested with authority,
rather than to individuals who have no political power. We find that
during the Makkan period only the basic part of the Shariah was
revealed. The rest of the Shariah continued to be revealed
according to the circumstances. These laws are directed only at
those groups of believers who are in a position to carry them out.
As we learn from the Quran: