Islam Rediscovered
5. Islam in Brief
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clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever
disbelieves in Satan and believes in God, shall
indeed lay hold of the firmest handle, which
shall not break off. God is All-Hearing and all-
God is the guardian of those who believe. He
leads them from darkness to the light. As for
those who disbelieve, their guardians are false
gods who lead them from light to darkness;
they are the inmates of the fire and in it they
shall abide forever. (2:255-257)
Now, let us try to visualize the above quoted
Qur’anic passage, in its applied form, so that we
may have an idea of what kind of individual, what
kind of society and what kind of State would
respectively emerge, if Islam were consciously
accepted and practised in letter and spirit.
Islam is the religion of the universe. The Qur’an