GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 413

God Arises
Religion and Society
~ 413 ~
everyday matters, and places men in a position of
dominance. ‘Men have authority over women….”
This principle was latterly rejected by man-made
law as totally wrong and unjust. But the experience
of one hundred years has shown that, in this matter,
revealed law is closer to reality. In spite of all the so-
called successes of the women’s lib movement,
man, even today still enjoys the position of the
dominant sex in the civilized world. The champions
of women’s emancipation have all along asserted
that the difference between men and women was a
factor produced and perpetuated by social
environment alone. But in modern times, this issue
has become the object of in-depth studies in various
interrelated fields, and it has been demonstrated
that the difference in the sexes is explained by
biological factors. Harvard University’s Professor of
Psychology, Jerome Kagan, concludes that, “Some
of the psychological differences between men and
women may not be the product of experience alone,
but of subtle biological differences.”
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