God Arises
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civilization, politics and sociology. No individual,
however gifted, whether drawing on the conscious
or subconscious minds, has ever been able to
produce such an all-embracing discourse, free from
erroneous decisions, vain conjectures, unreal
statements, miscalculations and unsound logic. But
religious scriptures are admirably and miraculously
free of such deficiencies. In their approach,
reasoning and decisions, they encompass all of the
human sciences. Over the centuries, succeeding
generations have sifted through the finding of their
predecessors, examined them, considered them
from all angles, and often disproved and rejected
what their forebears had considered truths as firm
as rocks. But the truths, which are enshrined in
religion, remain unchallenged to this day. So far, it
has not been possible to point out a single error, or
even discrepancy in them worth the name. Those,
who have ventured to attack the bastions of religion
have eventually been forced to fall back without
scaling its battlements, for they, themselves, have
finally been proved to be in the wrong.
At this point, I think it would be pertinent to give
the gist of an article in which James Henry Breasted,